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Clinical Mental 健康 Counseling, M.A.


Immaculata’s 60-credit 文学硕士 in Clinical Mental 健康 Counseling is 由咨询和相关教育项目认证委员会(CACREP)认可 也在 符合宾夕法尼亚州专业咨询师执照(LPC)的要求.


CMHC学院的使命是参与大学的愿景,通过教育促进学生的个人成长和发展, 经验, and modeling; to provide opportunities for students to become socialized to the clinical 心理健康 counseling profession as integrated counselors skilled in the areas of 评估, 诊断, and ethical treatment of clients diverse in culture and needs; to create a collaborative and vibrant academic environment incorporating a diversity of learning 经验s.


计划: 文学硕士
观众: 研究生
格式: Face-to-face evening classes
下次开始日期: 2024年10月15日
成本: 710美元/信贷
完成时间 三年

“我在伊玛库拉塔大学的几门专业课程帮助我为目前在一家非营利机构担任首席行为健康咨询师的职位做准备, community-based facility. The program provided me with a sense of discipline, an appreciation for teamwork, 理解道德和策略,以协助实施个人自我保健. 我发现,在与心理健康、毒品和酒精领域的客户合作和提供支持时,这些技能是必不可少的.”

肖娜L. Clay ' 19 M.A., lpc, NCC
Lead Behavioral 健康 Counselor

Opportunities and Outcomes


就业 for substance abuse, 行为障碍, and 心理健康 counselors is expected to increase 22% over the next decade, much faster than the average for all occupations, 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

我们的许多毕业生都被他们完成实习和实习的组织雇用. Our alumni work for employers such as behavioral health systems, 老年中心, rehabilitation hospitals, 精神病院, drug and alcohol treatment programs, 学区, 私人诊所, 门诊, 危机中心, and residential treatment centers.

顾问认证 & 许可

The National Counselor Examination is offered on campus every year in April and October.

每个州对获得咨询执照有不同的流程和要求. 你需要通过你所在州的执照考试,并完成所需的研究生监督小时数,才能获得完全的执照. 了解更多下载赌钱app手机版 国家 certification and state licensure for counselors.

  • High 许可 and 就业 Rates-我们的毕业生通过LPC考试和在医院工作的比率很高, drug and alcohol treatment programs, 学区, 私人诊所 and residential treatment centers.
  • Supportive, Expert 教师—All core 教师 members are counselors themselves. 他们作为从业人员的经验为他们提供的咨询教育提供了信息. They specialize in a range of areas related to 心理健康, including addictions counseling, 游戏治疗, at-risk youth programming, multicultural/social justice issues, 创伤, 家庭咨询, 以及LGBTQ咨询. 教师 are approachable, 以学生为中心, 支持, and available to meet with you to discuss 个人 and professional goals.
  • Evening, Face-to-face Courses小类, usually with 10 to 22 students, are taught in the evenings on campus, allowing you to work during the day. 我们的学生通常在三年内完成课程,每学期上两到三节课. Most students work part- or full-time.
  • 定制学位-如果你选择在咨询领域的专业领域,Immaculata提供一个 School 顾问认证 (PK-12) 和一个 Addiction Studies and Therapeutic Practice Graduate Certificate.
  • 临床训练-Immaculata提供超过100个不同临床环境的实习和实习经验,帮助你应用你的咨询技能,并在监督下逐步进入这个行业.
  • 研究的机会-你可以选择参加教师指导的研究项目,并在当地展示你的工作, 国家, and inter国家 conferences. Immaculata provides some funding to allow students to attend conferences. 我们的学生曾在美国咨询协会全国会议和伊玛库拉塔大学的年度研究海报活动上发表过演讲.
  • 荣誉学会—Immaculata has a local chapter, Beta Mu, of Chi Sigma Iota是国际心理咨询学生、专业人士和教育工作者荣誉协会. Acceptance into the chapter will give you opportunities for networking, 服务, professional development workshops, and mentorship from 经验d counselors.

Practicum and Internship Experiences

In your last year in the program, you will participate in a practicum and internship, typically in the same setting. 一年两次, 实习学生分享他们的经验和建议,为你的专业兴趣找到合适的环境和客户年龄组. You may choose from settings such as 精神病院, outpatient 心理健康 clinics, addiction treatment centers, veterans administration facilities, and correctional facilities.

100小时的实习经验让你在客户的监督下练习工作, usually for at least 10 hours per week. 我们的教师为您的现场主管提供培训,以便他们在您开始工作时为您提供良好的支持.

你的两次实习经历, 共计600小时, provide in-depth counseling 经验 with on-site, 教师, 以及同伴监督. You will spend approximately 22-25 hours/week at your internship setting.


Required Curriculum (60 credits)

The courses build upon one another from year to year. 第一年 courses are to be taken prior to beginning 第二年 courses, 所有一年级和二年级的课程必须在三年级开始实习之前完成.

第一年 第二年 三年级
COUN 618 Professional Orientation and Ethical Issues (3)
GEN 503 Inter个人 Relations (3)
GEN 501 Human Development (3)
COUN 604 Group Counseling (3)
COUN 614 Substance Abuse Education (3)
COUN 641 评估 for Counselors (3)
COUN 691 Practicum in Counseling (3)
COUN 640 Diversity Counseling (3)
COUN 601 Counseling Skills and Techniques (3)
考恩600研究 & 项目评估(3)
COUN 606 Family Counseling (3)
COUN 630 Crisis Intervention and Trauma (3)
COUN 692 Internship in Counseling I (3)
COUN 602 Theories of Counseling (3)
COUN 608 Psychopathology (3)
COUN 609 Career Counseling (3)
COUN 693 Internship in Counseling II (3)
COUN 599 Comprehensive Examination (0)
Student Learning Objectives

项目完成后, successful students will demonstrate professional 知识, 技能, 和必要的实践,以解决各种情况下的临床心理健康咨询社区, 包括:

  1. 理解并运用专业咨询师角色背景下的道德和法律标准, 责任, 和身份.
  2. 意识, 知识, 以及在咨询环境中实施多元文化和社会公正咨询能力的技能.
  3. 理解和应用整个生命周期的人类发展及其对咨询关系和策略的意义.
  4. 理解职业发展和包括工作在内的相关生活因素之间的相互关系, 幸福, 心理健康, 的关系, and other life roles through the use of theories, 评估, 职业资源.
  5. Counselor characteristics, 行为, 面试, 技术, and counseling 技能 that influence the helping relationship.
  6. 了解与团队工作效率相关的动态、策略和条件.
  7. 有能力使用与精神和情绪障碍和状况诊断相关的评估, 学术/教育, 职业生涯, 个人, 社会发展.
  8. 了解如何批评研究,告知咨询实践,并展示称职的使用研究方法, 需求评估, and program evaluation 技能 important to the counseling profession.
  9. 在临床心理健康咨询的理论框架内,全面的案例概念化和有效咨询技能的使用.
  10. 评估, 个案概念化, 诊断, 以及在临床心理健康咨询的背景下利用发展和多元文化知识的治疗计划技能.
CACREP Statistics for Clinical Mental 健康 Counseling Graduates
年: 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
注册数量 159 147 135 128 117 98 100
毕业生人数 41 55 24 32 33 37 27
完成率 92% 89% 97% 100% 100% 69% 71%
LPC Examination Pass Rate 100% 95% 81% 92.3% 87.5% 72% 75%
就业安置率* 64% 80% 91% 84% 92.5% 82% 87%
*校友 were asked via survey if they were employed in the field, 每年的就业率是根据回应的校友人数来计算的, excluding those who did not respond. Approximately 57% of 2021-2022 program graduates responded to the survey. The employment outcomes of non-responding alumni are not yet known.

IU Annual CACREP Evaluation Report (August 2022)


请提交 required application materials. 临床心理健康咨询项目将个人面试作为招生过程的一部分. Once your application is complete, you will be notified of your interview date and time, as well as provided a virtual interview link.

学费 and 金融援助

你将付出代价。 每学分学费每学期修三门课(9学分)才有资格获得奖学金 金融援助. 每学期上两门课(6学分),你就有资格获得兼职经济援助.


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